What's up legend?

I want to talk to you about Self-Talk.

This is a cliche topic nowadays, and there is so much hyperbole out there about it, but it’s UNDENIABLE, and much research has shown, that it’s a vital part of ANY change in life.

Remember what happens on the INSIDE is going to be evident on the OUTSIDE.

So if you want to change your outer world (your results), you must first change what's on the inside.


Aka your Self-Talk.

The Bible says: Life and death is in the power of the tongue.

Make no mistake that you speak will come into existence!

The challenge is that most of our self-talk is unconscious and studies have shown that 80% of it is negative!

So in order to create positive change in life, we must change our self-talk, and the first step of change is AWARENESS.

There are 3 Levels of Self-Talk, and I’ll start from the bottom to top…

Level 3 is the MOST damaging and the first one we must eliminate!

We call this the “Rule of the NT's”.

Essentially, we need to eliminate ANY word that that has an “NT” in it; like can’t, won’t, cannot, etc.

Henry Ford said: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right.”

henry ford.jpg

So when you say: “I can't get fit.”, or “I can’t find any good men/women.”, etc…guess what? 


In addition, your unconscious mind CANNOT differentiate between a positive and negative.

Like when your mom told you: “Don’t put your hand in the cookie jar”, all your young mind (or adult mind lol) heard was “cookie jar”.

So eliminate the words can’t, won’t, cannot, etc. from your vocabulary completely!

Level 2 is using future paced language like “I should do _____”, or “I'm going to “try” to _____.”

Remember, saying: “I'll try…” is just a nice way of saying NO!


Like the great Jedi Master Yoda said: “Do or do not, there is no try.”

This language is less damaging than saying you can’t do something, but it’s still weak and won't empower you to change your self-talk.

My challenge to you it to eliminate the words “I’ll try” from your vocabulary COMPLETELY.

I’ve found that high achievers/perfectionists tend to have the hardest time with this.

We want to have everyone be happy and to like us, and therefore say YES to everything, and/or “I’ll try to make it”, etc….

The challenge with this is that IF you say YES to everything, you're not going to be able to show up powerfully in every interaction!

One thing that radically changed my perspective was realizing that if I say YES to everything, I was actually being selfish, because I couldn’t show up 100% for that interaction.

And this is where most of the “I’ll try” language would come up.

Learning to say NO is part of eliminating Level 2 language from your vocabulary.

If you only commit to things that you know you can show up a 100% for, “I’ll try” or “should” will naturally be eliminated.

Remember if we should, we will end “shoulding” all over ourselves.

Which brings us to Level 1 and the MOST POWERFUL language.

This is saying things in the PRESENT TENSE by using an “I AM” statement.

This works is Positively or Negatively.

So if you say, “I am not enough.” or, “I am not able to do ____”, you won’t be able to.

Remember what Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can't or you think you can you're right.”

So therefore, everything that comes after an “I AM” statement needs to be your true self, your identity, and who you were designed and created to be!!!

My encouragement to you is to be very cautious of what language you use!

Catch your language that doesn’t empower you to make the necessary changes.

Of course we will have challenges and areas that we will feel “stuck”. 

Next time a challenge arises (which is confirmation you’re on the right track!!!), instead of saying “I can’t do _____”, change that to “I am currently challenged by _____”.

Remember the Three Levels of Self-Talk:

Level 3: Eliminate the “Rule the NT’s”.

Level 2: Eliminate future paced language like “I’ll try”, or you “should”.

Level 1: Utilize empowering “I AM” statements in the present tense.

So please SHARE this with someone who needs to hear this.

And if you need help adjusting your Self-Talk I’d be honored to jump on a Clarity Call with you and help you create empowering Self-Talk!

Remember what you speak, will come into existence WILL change your life!

Life and death is in the power of the tongue.

You’re designed and destined for greatness, and that's why you were created!

I hope this encourages you have a EPIC day!!!

Your Friend,
